Use "was left behind|be left behind" in a sentence

1. We'll be left behind if we loiter.

2. The Emerald City was soon left far behind.

3. They left a hostage behind.

4. For the woman you left behind.

5. She left the alarm clock behind

6. Bogle left behind a wife, six …

7. There was a toffee apple left behind when Janey disappeared.

8. They just left Adit and me behind.

9. Her grandfather left behind a huge debt

10. She said she left her earrings behind.

11. That is why I left it behind.

12. She has left her admission ticket behind.

13. However, they left the real prize behind.

14. We are left behind, high and dry.

15. Another dull thud behind his left knee.

16. Ancient Babylonia left behind some wonderful artifacts

17. They even left something behind, Your Grace.

18. Here left behind that little bit imprint.

19. He asks to be left behind and feels curiously at peace.

20. You are once again worried that you will be left behind?

21. The dog was scratching at an itch behind its left ear.

22. All he left behind was an eyelash and three skin flakes.

23. Whoever is behind this left little to chance.

24. Oh sod it - I've left my glasses behind!

25. Maksoon... had a mole behind her left ear.

26. I left it all behind for this one.

27. Nabokov may have left behind some unpublished manuscripts.

28. Clues are left behind at every crime scene.

29. Well I believe they're getting left far behind.

30. Hulagu left 3,000 Mongol soldiers behind to rebuild Baghdad.

31. The hurricane left a trail of destruction behind it.

32. One drop left behind, that's life in the joint.

33. He left a trail of muddy footprints behind him.

34. 15 He always left behind him an inscrutable prescription.

35. The tornado left a trail of destruction behind it.

36. Coprolite is the fossilized feces left behind by dinosaurs

37. Listened too for the unnamed, unmentioned people left behind.

38. She left her children behind with a heavy heart.

39. Waited to attack and slaughter the families left behind

40. He either gets on board or gets left behind.

41. The young athlete soon left the others far behind.

42. That left him three strokes behind the pacesetter, Parry.

43. The storm left behind it a trail of devastation.

44. The tourists left a tail of litter behind them.

45. The army left a trail of destruction behind them.

46. The puppy left a trail of destruction behind it.

47. I think I might have left my wallet behind.

48. Advance the right foot while the left remains behind.

49. The films he left behind can never grow old."

50. The debris they left behind formed moraines, lakes and rivers.

51. They left behind sophisticated mining equipment and a drone workforce.

52. Tens of thousands of fighters and refugees were left behind.

53. I'm afraid you left government behind a long time ago.

54. Jeremiah and his secretary, Baruch, are among those left behind.

55. Alluvial refers to the stuff left behind by running water

56. Because of Japan’s seclusion, she had been left far behind.

57. No, no, no, he left everything behind but his computer.

58. The hurricane left a a trail of destruction behind it.

59. Well, mothers are always being left behind in this country.

60. Have I ever left behind any gossamer traces at all?

61. With Fuller Brush's superior collection of Brooms and dustpans, no crumb will be left behind

62. Military must scale up its Artificial intelligence use or be left behind by adversaries, Lt

63. Refusing to accept a refinement is to be left behind as the organization moves ahead.

64. To start we have found many footprints left behind from Bigfoot.

65. So, I had to sit on the eggs she'd left behind.

66. I also left behind false clues to convince him that I was having an affair.

67. I've been wondering when you'd remember you left your helmet behind.

68. They marched past us to look through the house, sorting through whatever was left behind.

69. They left the Beribboned twig behind like a girly grave marker.

70. " There's a branch ofthis road behind the houses on the left. "'

71. Six destroyers were left behind to escort Chicago and the tugboat.

72. 29 I left Koju behind and we set off at daybreak.

73. These alleys left behind them four square plots rimmed with box.

74. He was left behind by the rest of the wagon train because his vehicle was so cumbersome.

75. Lying flat, position a pillow under the left shoulder, and place left arm over or behind the head.

76. Mice, deer and all these islands' aboriginal inhabitants are left far behind.

77. They ate one, carried the other off and left the third behind.

78. Only sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair are left by them behind.

79. The sea crossing served only to emphasise the idyll we left behind.

80. The engines left a trail of black smoke behind them when water-methanol injection was on.